TimeTronics is a world leader in innovative sports timing products with a reliable and strong technological backbone. We provide total solutions for time registration and result processing based on photo finish, for all kinds of sports.

We are selling on a worldwide basis through a network of international dealers and distributors engaged on all continents. We have references in more than 80 countries.

Provider and manufacturer of professional photo finish systems, based in Europe, with references all over the world.
One of our main goals is to be innovative. The timeline below shows you the most important milestones TimeTronics has achieved. Every day, we work to improve our products, together with international sports specialists, users and distributors.
The company was found in Olen (Belgium) as an engineering company for industrial projects.
The first ultrasonic wind gauge was launched worldwide and is named WindSpeed.
The sports timing division has had a rebranding and continues with a new name: TimeTronics.
The electronic audio-visual start signal generators Electronic Start Device
Club and Pro were launched, along with a matching SpeakerBox to hear the start signal.2018
Current commercial activities of TimeTronics NV are taken over by TimeTronics BVBA by means of transfer of the trading fund. This transfer was carried out in close connection between the parties involved.
The Argus photo finish camera with a completely new user interface was launched.
The first electronical photo finish in the world was launched.
Launch of the reaction time analysis apparatus FalseStart I, and its successor FalseStart II. The first digital full colour photo finish was also launched.
The first video integrated photo finish software ever, the MacFinish VideoID was launched.
Launch of the new Wireless Start, to transmit the start signal wirelessly to the photo finish timing operator.
Launch of multilanguage platform for LED scoreboards, AthleticsManager, FalseStart III and photo finish.
What if athletes reach the finish line almost at the same time? What if you can’t see with the naked eye who the winner is? Identifying the winner is no longer a problem with photo finish.

The idea of photo finish is, as the name indicates, to take pictures of the finish line when an athlete arrives. Contrary to ordinary ‘still’ pictures taken with your camera, a photo finish system only records the finish line.
The Argus photo finish system of TimeTronics has a range of up to 5.000 lines per second. Or in other words: photos per second. These photos are sent to an additional computer. All the photos in a row will get you the finish photo.
On this photo finish picture, you can also read the time started at the beginning of the race. The operator can read the times with an accuracy of up to 0.5 thousandths of a second. This way, you can not only identify the winner of the race, you can also accurately determine the arrival time of all the participants.
With TimeTronics, our primary concern is the user-friendliness of our products, in any sport. For every sport, we offer tailor-made configurations, complete systems which have already proven their functionality in that sport.


Easy configurations: with a considerably simple configuration consisting of an Argus Interface Box, a camera with lens, camera cable and some extra accessories like tripod camera head and cabling, a perfect system can be set up.
Flexibility: depending upon the situational circumstances and specific sport-related characteristics, a tailor-made configuration can be set up.
Open platforms: each system can communicate with peripheral equipment such as WindSpeed wind-gauge, False Start system, Athletics Manager software programs, Stadium Scoreboards, user software, etc.
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